Insights / October 1st, 2021

Daniel Marateo - Finalist "Emerging Tax Star"

We are pleased to announce that Daniel Marateo is a finalist in The Tax Institute's nationally recognised, Tax Adviser of the Year Awards 2021 as an Emerging Tax Star.

Daniel has practised for a number of years at Cowell Clarke exclusively in the fields of tax, revenue and superannuation law, including where these specialist fields integrate with broader areas such as succession planning, asset protection and commercial contracts and agreements. In that time, he has risen from law clerk to Senior Associate, with the technical expertise he has acquired allowing him to take primary responsibility for and carriage of a range of client matters from small to medium enterprise, private and family groups, and corporate entities (predominantly unlisted public companies).

He has also co-authored the SMSF Income Stream Guide (authored by Cowell Clarke and published nationally by The Tax Institute, now in Edition 3), which is recognised by The Tax Institute as the definitive guide for professionals dealing with SMSF income streams.

Daniel would be a worthy winner of the award and everyone at Cowell Clarke wishes him every bit of luck at the awards ceremony on 21 October 2021.

Daniel said that he was humbled to be recognised and proud to be named as a finalist.

Click here to read more about Daniel.