
Commitment to ESG

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Our commitment to ESG

Cowell Clarke is dedicated to continuing to make a positive impact on both our planet and people.  As a responsible and sustainable business, we are deeply committed to the following key initiatives that drive meaningful change.  We will continue to evolve and progress these initiatives, always seeking ways to enhance our contribution to a more sustainable future.

As a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, we have aligned our strategy with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Transition to Net Zero

  • Baseline GHG Emissions: Calculate baseline Scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas emissions based on a calendar year.

  • Waste and Paper Reduction: Implement strategies to decrease waste and paper usage.

  • Alignment with SBTi: Align goals with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) for net zero emissions targets.

Climate Action Goals

  • Near-term Goal: Reduce Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions by 10% from the base year 2024 in line with SBTi targets.

  • Long-term Goal: Set specific annual targets to ensure continuous year-on-year reduction of emissions.

Ethical Procurement and Supply Chain Risks

  • Ethical Procurement Policy: Adhere to an Ethical and Sustainable Procurement Policy.

  • Supplier ESG Risk Assessment: Conduct thorough assessments of suppliers for ESG risks.

  • Supply Chain Due Diligence: Implement robust due diligence practices across the supply chain.

  • Holistic Value Chain Integration: Continuously integrate comprehensive evaluations throughout the value chain to ensure sustainability, ethical practices, and efficiency.

Diversity and Equity

  • Diversity Committee: Focus on guiding continuous improvement, training and policy development in diversity and equity.

  • Employee Involvement: Encourage active employee participation in diversity, equity, and pro bono legal work, as well as charity involvement.

Our commitment to supporting clients ESG

On the client side, with dedicated specialists and practical expertise, powered by an innovative ESG technology solution, we support organisations to effectively manage their ESG risks and identify opportunities for the future.

We are known for our creation of a unique ESG solution for business. Our own locally developed cutting edge technology and a deep knowledge of ESG related risk and reward offers clients automated data capture and ESG metrics for mandatory reporting and a deep bench of strategic experience to guide future strategy.

The combination of technology and expertise has an established track record with large and medium clients across energy, manufacturing, retail, agriculture and health industries.

Click here to read more about how our experts can be your true partner to guide you through this new age of business.