
ESG - Governance

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ESG Corporate Governance has always been an important aspect of company business and is the foundation of the Environmental and Social aspects of ESG Compliance. Governance refers to an organisation’s leadership and structure, policies, procedures, strategies, frameworks, and shareholder rights.

Cowell Clarke specialises in delivering comprehensive governance assistance, finely tuned to address the dynamic needs of contemporary businesses.  Specific to the ESG realm, Cowell Clarke assists clients in the development and implementation of robust whistleblowing policies and procedures, ensuring a secure avenue for reporting ethical concerns within client organisations. 

Our assistance extends to consideration of bribery and corruption risk mitigation and overall procurement frameworks, providing bespoke advice to ensure clients are equipped to mitigate risks that arise across these critical areas of the business.

As a full service law firm our broader team assists clients in all areas of governance, including provision of advice relating to bespoke issues, as well as dealing directly with the ACCC, APRA, ASX and the Foreign Investment Review Board.