Insights / February 3rd, 2014

Issue 1: Expanding business into Australia - a tax perspective

This issue:

  • Introduction
  • Seconding Staff
  • Operating business
  • Financing
  • Goods and Services Tax
  • Inter-entity Dealings
  • Foreign Exchange

Welcome to Edition 1 of Expanding Business into Australia, a tax perspective.

Cowell Clarke is a specialist corporate and commercial law firm based in Adelaide, Australia. With our expertise in tax issues, we provide legal advice to offshore clients wishing to operate a business in Australia.

Over the next 12 months, Cowell Clarke will be circulating a series of international tax newsletters. Each newsletter will provide a succinct technical summary and draw particular attention to one of the key taxation implications of operating a business in Australia.

Areas of interest Cowell Clarke will address in the newsletters include:

  • Seconding staff to Australia (income tax considerations and employer obligations);
  • Operating business via an overseas company or expanding for growth in Australia (including optimal corporate structures);
  • Goods and Services Tax (GST) implications on importing and exporting goods;
  • Financing considerations of dealing in Australia;
  • Inter-entity dealings (including transfer pricing); and
  • Foreign exchange issues and taxation.

Given the development of Australian taxation law and its complex application, expert knowledge of international taxation is imperative to driving a successful multinational organisation.

We look forward to the journey with you in 2014 and hope to provide you with knowledge about expanding in to Australia in light of our complex taxation regime.

If you have any colleagues or clients who would like to receive our newsletters, we would be happy to include them on our circulation list.

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